

瑞士Tecan于2004年在北京开设代表处,正式进驻中国市场。2008年4月在上海浦东成立帝肯(上海)贸易有限公司, 作为Tecan集团在亚太地区(日本及韩国除外)总部,全面负责Tecan集团在中国的所有商业活动,包括销售、市场活动与合作、以及客户支持。帝肯(上海)目前拥有一支专业的售前和售后服务团队,在科研、制药、公安刑侦、医院、血站、CDC和CIQ领域构建了良好的经销和售后服务网络,并以“力求比客户期望做的更好”的服务理念,给广大的终端用户提供专业的服务。我们致力于成为包括客户在内的所有合作方的首选合作伙伴(Partner of Choice)。欲了解更多信息,请浏览公司网站:www.tecan.cn。

Tecan (www.tecan.com) is a leading global provider of laboratory instruments and solutions in biopharmaceuticals, forensics and clinical diagnostics. The company specializes in the development, production and distribution of automated workflow solutions for laboratories in the life sciences sector. Its clients include pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, university research departments, forensic and diagnostic laboratories. As an original equipment manufacturer (OEM), Tecan is also a leader in developing and manufacturing OEM instruments and components that are then distributed by partner companies. Founded in Switzerland in 1980, the company has manufacturing, research and development sites in both Europe and North America and maintains a sales and service network in 52 countries.